This Innosuisse Flagship Project PROFICIENCY initiates
The Data-driven Transformation of Surgical Training for PROFICIENCY-based Performance
It initiates the paradigm shift in surgical training for optimally prepared surgeons and even greater patient safety
“With the PROFICIENCY project, we want to decisively advance simulator-based training in surgery,” explains Prof Bruno Schmied, M.D., Chief of Surgery at the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen and host of this project. “Analogous to the education and training of pilots on flight simulators – the innovative proficiency-oriented, and simulator-supported training opportunity will essentially and continuously optimize surgical training in open and minimally invasive surgery. It enables surgeons to individually improve, assess their progress and to train complications using a constantly state-of-the-art adjusted training system.”

Training on patients according to the principle of “see one, do one and teach one” no longer corresponds to today’s requirements and technical opportunities regarding education of surgical residents. During the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, most hands-on training had to be discontinued, leading to an almost complete interruption of surgical education.
The PROFICIENCY project is financially supported by:

The PROFICIENCY project is endorsed by the following expert associations

The PROFICIENCY project is implemented by the following partners